Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, October 19, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''Renewable Identification Numbers''


EPA regs on biogas producers upheld by D.C. Circuit

Court also rejects request for stay of power plant rule

A federal appeals court has upheld EPA regulations covering biogas producers who want to benefit from the Renewable Fuel Standard, saying that under the law, the agency “must be able to verify that the biogas-derived fuel it is being asked to count as renewable was made with the correct biogas.”

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Capitol Building

Daybreak Sept. 14: Dems shield stepped-up basis, but target estate taxation

Farm groups are breathing a collective sigh of relief that congressional Democrats have dropped the idea of taxing capital gains at death, preserving the benefits of stepped-up basis. But many may still need to start talking to their tax advisers about just what’s in the legislation and how it could affect their tax planning.
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