Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''CropLife America''

Tom Udall

No sign yet of agreement on moving Senate PRIA bill

Democratic senators led by New Mexico's Tom Udall want answers from EPA on chlorpyrifos and farmworker protections from pesticides before they'll agree to let a bill move forward reauthorizing the fee-based pesticide registration system that provides about a third of the funding for EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.
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USDA dismisses ethics concerns about regulatory reform official

A USDA spokesman dismissed ethics concerns raised in a New York Times article about a meeting the head of the department’s Regulatory Reform Task Force had in May with members of the Southern Crop Production Association (SCPA), a CropLife America affiliate, and Kellie Bray, CLA's senior director of government affairs.
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