Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 01, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''USTR''

Taiwan supermarket

US meat and dairy exporters laud progress on Taiwan trade deal

U.S. meat and dairy exporters have a lot to gain if Taiwan were to remove barriers to their products. That’s why groups representing both sectors are lauding a U.S. announcement that the two countries have reached an agreement on a broad set of goals for a trade pact that they’re planning to begin negotiations on this fall.
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GOP senators use McKalip hearing to slam Biden trade agenda

President Joe Biden’s choice to be the next chief agricultural trade negotiator spent much of his nomination hearing arguing that he and the U.S. trade representative will be able to increase foreign market access for U.S. farm goods without negotiating new free trade agreements, but Republican senators weren't buying it.
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USTR defends China tariffs as leverage

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai argued against lifting tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods Wednesday, saying it would not do much to ease inflation and would remove key leverage she has in negotiations with China.
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