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Monday, March 03, 2025
The Environmental Protection Agency’s timeline for reviewing a new dicamba label submitted by Bayer could mean growers won’t be able to use the herbicide next year.
The Environmental Protection Agency got a reminder, as if it needed one, of the need for a legally sufficient plan addressing the risks of pesticides to endangered species when a federal appeals court ordered it Tuesday to issue a new assessment on an insecticide used in blueberry and citrus production.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to register dicamba for use on soybeans and cotton is facing another lawsuit from the same groups that succeeded in convincing an appeals court to vacate registrations earlier this year.
The Food and Drug Administration must evaluate the risks posed if genetically engineered salmon escape into the wild, a federal judge said in a case involving FDA’s 2015 approval of AquaBounty’s plans to create and farm GE Atlantic salmon.
Dicamba applications on soybean and cotton will come with a cutoff date next year and require larger buffer zones to avoid off-target drift, the Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday in approving new five-year registrations for the herbicides.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has denied requests to rehear its decision vacating registrations for Xtendimax, FeXapan and Engenia, leaving the Supreme Court as the last stop for dicamba manufacturers seeking to overturn the ruling.
The Environmental Protection Agency has “flagrantly contravened” the Ninth Circuit’s June 3 order on three dicamba herbicides by continuing to allow over-the-top use on soybeans and cotton, the petitioners in the litigation argued in an emergency motion Thursday.
The Environmental Protection Agency failed to take into account the risks associated with dicamba before allowing Monsanto's Xtendimax formulation of the herbicide to be used for the 2017 growing season, lawyers for environmental groups and small family farms told a federal appeals court Wednesday.