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Wednesday, March 05, 2025
EPA Administrator Michael Regan is going to join Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at Commodity Classic in Houston on March 1. That’s the day the Biden administration is supposed to announce its update of the GREET model that’s used to measure the carbon intensity of biofuels.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers are introducing legislation today to ensure the government keeps using U.S. commodities to provide food aid around the world. About half the funds for the Food for Peace program are currently used to purchase and deliver U.S. farm goods.
President Joe Biden is putting a focus on the farm bill today. The White House has called a meeting for late this afternoon or evening with the four leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees.
A bipartisan measure being introduced today in the House and Senate would increase the number of technical service advisers available to help farmers take advantage of USDA conservation programs.
The Republican attempt to tighten SNAP work requirements has gotten a lot of attention in recent days, because of its potential impact on farm bill negotiations.