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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Year after year of drought and intense heat that have cooked crops in Texas also have fueled a clash between USDA and the crop insurance industry that has spilled over into discussions of a new farm bill.
USDA is increasing premium subsidies for the Enhanced Coverage Option, a crop insurance product that provides high levels of area-based yield or revenue coverage.
USDA is expanding and enhancing crop insurance product for fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops and considering some additional steps that could help address the sector’s priorities. But some additional funding and statutory authority may be needed in the next farm bill to make changes sought by growers, according to the Risk Management Agency.
The Agriculture Department's Risk Management Agency is launching a new crop insurance program for controlled-environment agriculture that will become available in the 2024 crop year.
Fresh from visiting members of the House and Senate Ag Committee and their staffs, former House Ag Committee Chairman Collin Peterson says everyone seems to be working very well together, drafting each title, working through the issues “and that’s a good thing. The non-controversial stuff is well in hand.”
America’s airlines have ambitious plans for using more biofuel, and the feedstocks in their sights include obscure oilseed crops such as camelina. However, crop insurance policy stands in the way.