Articles Tagged with ''energy''


What's really behind high food prices?

High food prices have become major talking points in the upcoming presidential election, with both sides pointing to different causes for pricey grocery store receipts over the past four years. Economists say a number of factors have been at play, depending on the type of food.
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Renewable diesel boom creates surge in feedstock imports

The renewable diesel boom driven by a slate of federal and state policies has brought with it a surge in demand for imports of animal fats and vegetable oils to be used as feedstocks that could continue growing in 2025 as tax credits shift to incentivize in-country production of the fuel.
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Biodiesel plant

Renewable diesel boom fueling soybean crushing expansion

The renewable diesel boom has fueled a surge in expected soybean crushing capacity and a need for more production of the crop, though the EPA’s proposed Renewable Fuel Standard volumes and declining credit values for California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard may dampen the fledgling industry’s ambitions.
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Energy needs to be part of SGMA conversation, new report says

As California plans for continued climate change, including the need to manage agricultural water use to comply with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), a new report finds the intersection of energy with water and climate may not be getting as much attention as it deserves, especially in farm country.
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