USDA's Farm Service Agency is accepting nominees for upcoming elections to fill county committees, which help determine local administration of federal farm programs.

Farmers who participate in USDA programs or who have provided information about their operations to FSA are eligible to be nominated to serve on the committee for their local administrative area in in this year's elections. 

Committees can have between three and 11 members, who help guide disaster recovery, conservation, commodity and price support programs and county office employment, according to a press release.

The nomination period will be open until Aug. 1. Farmers can nominate themselves or others who fit the necessary requirements, the release said. 

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“Serving on a Farm Service Agency county committee is your chance to ensure that other producers who share your interests, your production practices, and your perspective are represented," FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux said in FSA's release.

"County committee service is a unique opportunity in the federal government for citizen stakeholders to participate in the implementation of policy and programs at the local level."

The agency is also accepting nominations for members of urban and suburban county committees in 27 cities across the country. These positions center around connecting urban producers with agency programs.

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