Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Jay Vroom, CEO of CropLife America

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Jay Vroom, President and CEO of CropLife America. Today’s crop farmers are demanding new technology to maintain profitability and improve the sustainability of their operations. In this interview, Vroom explains the industry’s need for timely legislative action on the Pesticide Registration Enhancement Act and how the Endangered Species Act is affecting the crop protection industry. Vroom is pleased with the direction of the Trump EPA and has high hopes for new leadership at the USDA.

Bob Dinneen, CEO Renewable Fuels Association

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Bob Dinneen, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association. While U.S. ethanol producers are enjoying growth in domestic and global markets for their product, the industry closely monitors pending decisions in Washington and foreign governments that could impact their outlook. In this interview, Dinneen discusses the crumbling blend wall and why the EPA’s decisions on E-15 and point of obligation are critical to the growing success of the renewable fuels industry. And you’ll hear Dineen clear the air on proposed Trump administrative action on ethanol.

Betsy Ward, President & CEO USA Rice

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Betsy Ward, President and CEO of USA Rice. The U.S. rice industry is struggling against large global supplies and low prices. In this interview, Ward identifies the challenges of competing globally against subsidized competition and the immediate reaction of Mexican trade officials to the Trump administration announced plans to withdraw from NAFTA. Ward says Title 1 PLC payments and the conservation program are high priorities for US rice farmers in the new farm bill, as well as cooperation of commodity groups. Ward also shares thoughts on cash or commodities for global food aid.

Senator Debbie Stabenow, MI

This week’s guest on Open Mic is U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. As the Senate Ag Ranking member, Stabenow is preparing to host the committee’s second field hearing this Saturday at Michigan State. In this interview Stabenow discusses option of rewriting new policy or tweaking current farm programs, increasing idled acres under the Conservation Reserve Program and including urban agriculture in the farm bill. Senator Stabenow shares concern with the Trump trade policy, frustration over the administration’s budget proposal and support for new Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue.

Dan Basse, President AgResource Co.

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company. Congress will soon write a new farm bill in a much different global agriculture climate. In this interview, Basse discusses the challenge of crafting policy for an industry plagued with oversupply and the threat of even lower crop prices. Basse discusses options like supply management and acreage reduction and how President Trump’s trade agenda plays into the challenges facing U.S. farmers and ranchers.

Darren Ash, CIO of USDA Farm Service Agency

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Darren Ash, Chief Information officer for the Farm Service Agency. As legislators prepare to write new farm policy, work is already underway at the USDA to receive, store, manage and share data to implement the new plan. The National Ag Imagery Program includes up to date aerial photography as well as digitizing over a half century of farm images to be used by various federal agencies.