Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Tom Stenzel, President United Fresh Produce Association

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Tom Stenzel, President and CEO of the United Fresh Produce Association. Fresh off a very successful Washington Conference last week, Stenzel and the leaders of the produce industry are keeping a keen eye on the current round of NAFTA negotiations in Ottawa. Stenzel outlines the group’s policy goals toward the 2018 farm bill including a difficult debate on nutrition restrictions or incentives for the SNAP program. Stenzel outlines the two biggest issues in the farm labor debate and discusses House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte’s proposed H2-C labor proposal.

Rep. Cheri Bustos, IL

This week’s guest on Open Mic is U.S. Representative Cheri Bustos. In this interview the Springfield native expands on her role in the Democratic Party to enhance continuity with rural Midwestern voters. Her 17th district in Illinois includes major industry, agriculture and a strong labor union base making trade a difficult issue. Bustos discusses the health care debate, tax reform, the need for a transportation bill and offers her reaction to farmer responses on what’s needed in a new farm bill.

Rebecca Bratter, U.S. Dry Bean Council

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Rebecca Bratter, Executive Director of the U.S. Dry Bean Council. The success of our nation’s dry bean industry hinges on access to global markets. In this interview, Bratter explains the significance of the NAFTA talks and ponders effects of the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the TPP global trade agreement. The 2014 Farm Bill was more attentive to the needs of specialty crop farmers. Bratter shares her industry’s goals for the next round of farm policy development including more dollars for market development and continue funding for global food aid.

Dr. Robb Fraley, Exec. Vice Pres. Monsanto

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Dr. Robb Fraley, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Monsanto. On the sidelines of last week’s Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois, Fraley discussed the convergence of biological science and data technology in an era defined as “Modern Agriculture”. In this interview Fraley reflects on the evolution of genetic enhancement and the opportunities that will frame the future of farming as well as how gene editing is changing modern medicine and agriculture. Fraley talks openly about the introduction of dicamba resistant crops this year and perspective of complaints that have been reported across the country.

Alan Tracy, past president U.S. Wheat Associates

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Alan Tracy, immediate past president of U.S. Wheat Associates. In this interview, Tracy describes how quality has replaced politics as the key driver of global market access. Tracy isn’t ready to define the Trump trade bias as isolationist, but shares concern about the administration's global trade agenda. While congressional agriculture committees appear closer to marking up a new farm bill, Tracy says wheat and other agriculture groups are hopeful for increased Title 3 spending.

Paul Drazek, Partner, DTB Associates


This week’s guest on Open Mic is Paul Drazek, a veteran agricultural trade consultant and partner with DTB Associates. The Trump trade agenda has drawn concern from the agriculture community as the administration’s hard line stance on existing trade deals threatens access to a growing world population and potentially, farm income opportunities. In this interview, Drazek shares thoughts on the Trump team's bi-lateral trade strategy, how to deal with China on trade disputes and the best possible outcome from the NAFTA re-negotiation.