Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Collin Peterson, Ranking Member House Ag Committee

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Minnesota Seventh District Congressman Collin Peterson. As Ranking Member on the House Agriculture Committee, Peterson delivers thoughts on the need for timely action on a new farm bill with several reforms. Peterson shares his thoughts on bi-lateral trade negotiation, immigration reform and his reservations on corporate tax reform proposals.
leif magnusson

Leif Magnusson, Pres. of CLAAS Global Sales Americas

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Leif Magnusson, President of CLAAS Global Sales Americas, Inc and Chair of the AEM Infrastructure 2050 Task Force. In this interview Magnusson shares thoughts on the challenge of the extended downturn in U.S. farm income and industry hopes for stability in 2017. Magnusson discusses the implications of the Trump administration’s trade agenda, need for corporate tax reform and regulatory relief. Magnusson outlines the challenges of a failing transportation infrastructure and makes a plea to President Donald Trump for a roundtable discussion with the equipment industry to prepare for the country’s future needs

John Bode, President Corn Refiners Assn

This week’s guest on Open Mic is John Bode, President and CEO of the Corn Refiners Association. In this interview Bode shares his hopes for a more active pace from Washington to ease regulation, reform taxes and negotiate trade agreement to stimulate the American economy. While many fear a renegotiation the North American Free Trade Agreement, the CRA sees opportunity to enhance trade growth. Bode anticipates a better working relationship between the USDA and EPA to stimulate the bio-economy. Bode shares his thoughts on the transition of leadership at the USDA and the pending release of regulations to implement the biotech disclosure law approved by Congress last year

Tom Stenzel, President & CEO of United Fresh Produce Assn.

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Tom Stenzel, President and CEO of the United Fresh Produce Association. In this week’s interview Stenzel identifies the top threat to the fruit and vegetable industry and how a shift in cabinet jurisdiction will still not resolve the matter. Stenzel welcomes a renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement but strongly opposes a 20 percent tax on Mexican imports to pay for a wall between the two countries. Stenzel says the produce industry supports the Food Safety Modernization Act but hopes the Trump administration can bring relief to the burdensome regulations imposed during its implementation. Stenzel says research and nutrition are two areas they’ll watch closely during discussion the 2018 farm bill.

House Ag Chairman Mike Conaway

This week's guest on Open Mic is House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conaway. In this informative interview the Texas Republican outlines his faith in the Trump administration's trade agenda as well as thoughts on how to unwind the Obama WOTUS rule. Chairman Conaway discusses the challenging economic climate and the timing of discussion and consideration of a new farm bill. Conaway says the budget baseline will be a challenge for developing food and agriculture policy and will remain a top priority during budget debate for the balance of the fiscal year and approving funds for the new fiscal year.

Open Mic Tracy Brunner NCBA

This week’s guest on Open Mic is Tracy Brunner, President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. As the group prepares for its 120th convention next month, Brunner reflects on the obstacles the industry has overcome and shares high hopes for the Trump administration and the 115th Congress. In this interview the 4th generation Kansas cattleman calls for regulatory reform, an end to the death tax, and a fair fight for trade agreements including the Trans-Pacific Partnership and with T-TIP negotiations with the European Union. Like other commodity groups, Brunner says NCBA hopes for immigration reform and a revamp of the Endangered Species Act. Brunner supports key provisions in debate for a new farm bill and says food labeling should remain voluntary and respect their high standards for animal husbandry.