Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Dan Basse

Dan Basse, AgResource Company

Duration: 22:27

This week’s Open Mic guest is Dan Basse, president of AgResource Company. Commodity and financial markets have been tossed on the waves of COVID-19 and its variants. For 2022, Basse hopes to see a deceleration of cases and more stability in markets. He says inflation is an issue but the bigger story in agriculture is that of demand. The globe’s thirst for food, feed and renewable energy is driving an appetite for commodities that will challenge the production capacity of the planet’s farmers and ranchers. Domestically, Basse says Congress should readdress its 2007 energy policy to provide farmers and investors with clear direction. For now, laws in California and other states are incentivizing next-generation biofuels - heightening demand for oilseed crops and ultimately bringing a shift in planted acreage.

Richard Waycott

Richard Waycott, Almond Board of California

Duration: 22:24

This week’s Open Mic guest is Richard Waycott, president and CEO of the Almond Board of California.  Consumer demand for almonds domestically and globally provides an excellent outlook for The Golden State’s top crop, but regulatory challenges from global customers and state agencies as well as the available supply of water and labor cloud opportunities for growth. Waycott says the almond industry has set lofty sustainability goals including a continued reduction in water needed to maintain trees and produce crops. California almond growers have been awarded for their efforts to support pollinators and are constantly at work to protect the fragile environment.


Neil Dierks, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council.


This week’s Open Mic guest is Neil Dierks, CEO of the National Pork Producers Council.  After a 40-year career serving agriculture with the last 20 years as the lead of the nation’s pork producers, Dierks is retiring back to the farm. He says the organization is strong in standing up for swine producers on Capitol Hill regarding environmental issues, science-based regulations and more access to international markets. Dierks says pork producers have worked toward sustainability and productivity goals for decades with many now carbon neutral and some as a carbon sink. His organization has concerns about efforts to redefine the Waters of the U.S. and labeling of alternate meat sources.


TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch


This week’s Open Mic guest is Corey Rosenbush, president and CEO of The Fertilizer Institute. Few questions loom larger than the price and availability of nutrients for the 2022 crop year. In this interview, Rosenbush shares the global storm of circumstances that have brought tight supplies and high prices for U.S. farmers. Issues of trade, tariffs, energy prices, transportation costs and weather events mark a long list of market dynamics that ultimately may influence farmer planting decisions for the coming season.


NCGA CEO Jon Doggett


This week’s Open Mic guest is Jon Doggett, CEO of the National Corn Growers Association. The nation’s corn farmers have concerns about supply chain issues and the availability of fertilizer and crop protection products for the 2022 crop season. Doggett says it's important for farmer voices to be heard on fertilizer tariffs that limit supply and EPA protocols when considering the environmental impact on endangered species. Doggett says farmers and rural investors have fulfilled their obligation to provide feedstock and processing capacity to meet the volume goals for renewable fuels established in the Renewable Fuel Standard, and they’d like the EPA to enforce the law. He wants to see a regulatory environment for carbon sequestration and compensation and is hopeful the Biden administration will be aggressive in maintaining and growing global market opportunities for U.S. corn supplies.


Farmer Mac CEO Brad Nordholm


This week’s Open Mic guest is Brad Nordholm, president and CEO of Farmer Mac. Farmland values have seen a tremendous appreciation over the past several months despite questions over the outlook for commodity prices and current inflationary pressures. In this interview, Nordholm discusses the similarities and differences between the farm economy of the 1980s and today. Nordholm applauds congressional approval of the infrastructure bill and questions if carbon capture will prove a meaningful source of income for farmers. He also embraces the challenge of bringing in the next generation of farmers and ranchers in this economic climate and is keeping a watchful eye on the extended drought in the West.