Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, October 11, 2024

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Adam Putnam, Ducks Unlimited


This week’s Open Mic guest is Adam Putnam, CEO of Ducks Unlimited. The sportsman community has played an influential role in securing farm policy on Capitol Hill and continues to engage. As a former ag commissioner in his home state of Florida and 10 year member of Congress, Putnam understands and supports voluntary conservation programs that enhance the ability for farmers and ranchers to pursue environmental stewardship and productivity while employing science-based tools. Ducks Unlimited supports farming practices across North America and says their sustainability goals align well with both farmers and businesses looking to improve their environmental track record and address climate change. 


Chris Edgington, National Corn Growers Association

Duration: 25:13

This week’s Open Mic guest is Chris Edgington, president of the National Corn Growers Association. Several hundred corn grower leaders were in Washington recently to discuss policy and meet with members of Congress. Edgington says ethanol and the Next Generation Fuels Act are at the top of the agenda for him and other farmers. Farmers are also concerned about the availability of inputs for the next year’s crop as well as regulatory actions that would limit the use of crop protection products or restrict land use. Edgington says corn growers are participating in farm bill listening sessions and are keenly concerned with potential changes to Title 1 programs and crop insurance.


Steve Censky, American Soybean Association

Duration: 24:25

This week’s Open Mic guest is Steve Censky, CEO of the American Soybean Association. Over 200 soy farmers and industry leaders were in Washington for their summer board meeting and visits with leaders on Capitol Hill. The 2023 farm bill was at the top of issues that included land and water regulations, crop protection products, the rail industry and labor issues. Censky says soy leaders may have real concerns about any shift in farm programs to margin coverage instead of revenue or reference prices.


John Bode, Corn Refiners Association

Duration: 23:56

This week’s Open Mic guest is John Bode, president and CEO of the Corn Refiners Association. The nation’s corn milling industry is seeing tremendous demand for its products, but like others in the ag industry faces serious supply chain issues. Bode says some mills have been forced to temporarily shut down due to transportation issues. Corn refiners have a huge stake in global trade and as well the acceptance of technology farmers use to satisfy industry demand. Bode has high hopes for the bio-economy and looks forward to offering a new chapter to the corn refining industry’s sustainability story.

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Andy LaVigne, American Seed Trade Association

Duration: 23:52

This week’s Open Mic guest is Andy LaVigne, President and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association.  For almost a century and a half members of ASTA have worked to improve seed genetics for farmers around the world. LaVigne says opportunities to advance seed genetics are improving with the advent of genetic modification and gene editing. The limitation includes that of consumer acceptance and government approval. LaVigne says consumer desire for healthier and better food are a catalyst for growth, while the industry battles an outdated regulatory system to keep up with new plant traits. ASTA believes better seed can lead to improved sustainability practices and increased production to meet the needs of a growing planet.


Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn.

Duration: 21:35

This week’s Open Mic guest is Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn. The House Agriculture Committee Democrat played an integral role in seeing the Lower Food and Fuel Cost Act across the finish line, which she says would help address supply chain risks, lower the cost of food and gas prices, strengthen the food supply chain and ensure robust competition in the meat and poultry sector. In this interview, Craig discusses her ongoing concern for the economy and the financial obstacles of writing new farm and nutrition legislation. While she describes herself as a "all of the above" energy Democrat, Craig is a staunch supporter of renewable fuels and calls for additional spending on infrastructure to bring lower cost biofuels to motorists.