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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Dec. 1, 2023: Senate Ag member Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., Mike Lavender and Tara Smith on upcoming farm bill

Duration: 25:56
As 2023 nears its end, attention shifts to how Congress will approach the farm bill in 2024. Senate Ag Committee Democrat Ben Ray Luján joins Newsmakers to discuss his hopes for speedy action and what he hopes will be included in the legislation for producers in his home state.

Then, Mike Lavender with the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and Tara Smith with the Torrey Advisory Group join a panel discussion to share their thoughts on the major obstacles to farm bill passage and what they expect will be the top issues addressed in the bill.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Nov. 24, 2023: Focus on fertilizer supply, transportation

Duration: 25:56
Producers are making plans for the 2024 growing season, and fertilizer supplies are top of mind. In this special edition of Agri-Pulse Newsmakers, Corey Rosenbusch with The Fertilizer Institute, Mike Steenhoek with the Soy Transportation Coalition, and Mike Seyfert with the National Grain and Feed Association discuss the various aspects of the fertilizer supply chain and what farmers should expect as they make their input decisions.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Nov. 17, 2023: USDA's Farah Ahmad, ASA's Josh Gackle and Torrey Advisory Group's Mike Torrey at the 80th Annual NAFB convention

Duration: 25:57
Agri-Pulse Newsmakers is on location this week, reporting from the 80th Annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. USDA Deputy Undersecretary for Rural Development Farah Ahmad joins to discuss rural broadband and the implementation of the infrastructure bill. Then, American Soybean Association Vice President Josh Gackle offers thoughts on the extension of the 2018 farm bill. Finally, farm policy lobbyist Mike Torrey of the Torrey Advisory Group discusses the congressional agenda for the rest of the year and into 2024.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Nov. 10, 2023: House Ag Chair Glenn "GT" Thompson, Marshall Matz and Tom Sell on the farm bill path forward

Duration: 25:57
Leaders of the House and Senate Ag Committee are working on an extension of the 2018 farm bill, giving Congress more time to come up with a new five-year version of the legislation. House Ag Committee Chair Glenn "GT" Thompson, R-Pa., joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss the new timeline the extension offers Capitol Hill and how he's hoping to put a bill together.

Then, Capitol Hill and farm bill veterans Marshall Matz of OFW Law and Tom Sell of Combest, Sell & Associates offer their thoughts on the major challenges facing lawmakers looking to put a bill together and what history says about the path forward.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Nov. 3, 2023: Rep. Ashley Hinson on a continuing resolution and a farm bill extension, T.A. Hawks and Anne Steckel on an ag appropriations bill and biofuels

Duration: 25:53

Now that Congress is two weeks away from a looming government shutdown, House Ag Appropriator Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, offers the latest on where Congress stands on passing a continuing resolution to keep the government funded and how a farm bill extension could be included in the legislation. 

Then, T.A. Hawks with Monument Advocacy and Anne Steckel with the National Farmers Union discuss the latest developments on an ag appropriations bill and biofuels policy. 

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Oct. 27, 2023: Rep. Frank Lucas on new speaker and new farm bill developments, Scott Gerlt and Gary Schnitkey offer an economic update

Duration: 25:56
The news many people have been watching for over the last three weeks came Wednesday with the election of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Former House Ag Committee Chair Frank Lucas offers his thoughts on what Johnson's election means for the future of the House, including his desire for speedy farm bill action.

Then, Scott Gerlt with the American Soybean Association and Gary Schnitkey with the University of Illinois reflect on the economic impacts of recent policy news and the ultimate impact producers should expect on their bottom lines.

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