Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, March 08, 2025

Newsmakers: July 29, 2022: USDA Undersecretary Xochitl Torres Small, Shirley Bloomfield and Garrett Hawkins on rural broadband, development

Duration: 29:34
The Department of Agriculture announced $401 million in rural broadband funding this week, kicking off another round of its ReConnect program. USDA Rural Development Undersecretary Xochitl Torres Small joins Newsmakers to discuss the department’s efforts to connect rural America and what else is on the RD agenda. 

Then, Shirley Bloomfield with NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association and Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins take part in a panel discussion to discuss the demand for rural broadband and what else USDA can do to develop rural areas. 

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Newsmakers: July 22, 2022: Rep. Cheri Bustos, former Rep. Mike Conaway, Bev Paul and Tom Sell on crop insurance and the upcoming farm bill

Duration: 33:45

This week’s activity on Capitol Hill featured a hearing offering growers and crop insurance industry stakeholders the chance to weigh in on what they would like to see in the next farm bill. That hearing was chaired by Illinois Democrat Cheri Bustos, who joins Newsmakers to discuss what she learned and how she’s helping Congress prepare for the upcoming legislation. 

Then, a panel of crop insurance policy experts including former House Ag Committee Chair Mike Conaway of the Conaway Graves Group, Bev Paul with Gordley Associates and Tom Sell with Combest Sell & Associates describe the politics surrounding crop insurance and other key policy areas as farm bill preparations pick up.

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Newsmakers: July 15, 2022: Rep. Glenn Thompson, Jonathan Coppess, Lisa Van Doren, Ryan Yates on new money and the 2023 farm bill

Duration: 29:01

Farm groups and ag lawmakers are drafting their priorities for the upcoming farm bill but are being faced with a limited budget to make those desires happen. Pennsylvania Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson, the top Republican on the House Ag Committee, joins Agri-Pulse to discuss how he plans to approach the next piece of legislation and what he wants to learn before he and his colleagues write the bill.

Then, Jonathan Coppess with the University of Illinois, Lisa Van Doren with the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, and Ryan Yates with the American Farm Bureau Federation discuss the approach the ag community will need to take in the upcoming farm bill process.

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Newsmakers: July 8, 2022: Dave Wasserman, Anne MacMillan and Randy Russell discuss the 2022 midterms

Duration: 31:30

The nation’s Independence Day parades earlier this week included candidates waving to people they’ll hope to win over by the time ballots are cast in November. Dave Wasserman of The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter joins Newsmakers to discuss the political landscape and some of the House and Senate races key to farm policy.

Then, Anne MacMillan of Invariant and Randy Russell of The Russell Group discuss the situation facing Democrats and Republicans across the country in the upcoming midterms as well as the impacts the November elections will have on farm policy.

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Newsmakers, July 1, 2022: USDA Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh, Farm Credit’s Gary Matteson, AFA’s Mark Stewart and NACD’s Jeremy Peters on the future of the USDA and agricultural workforce

Duration: 32:19

The Biden administration has made addressing diversity, equity and inclusion issues a priority across the federal government, including at the Department of Agriculture. Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh is heading up USDA’s equity efforts and joins Newsmakers to discuss where things stand on that work. 

Then, a panel of agribusiness leaders, Farm Credit’s Gary Matheson, AFA’s Mark Stewart and NACD’s Jeremy Peters takes a broader look at the American agriculture workforce ranging from how DEI can be improved to what today’s college graduates are looking for from their employers. 

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Newsmakers: June 24, 2022: Rep. Jim Costa, Almond Alliance of California’s Aubrey Bettencourt, NMPF’s Paul Bleiberg, NCBA’s Ethan Lane on farm bill, drought, SEC rule and more

Duration: 31:48

Dairy policy has been a hot topic in recent farm bills and saw some big changes in the 2014 and 2018 legislation. The House Ag Committee held a hearing this week on dairy policy, and California Democrat Jim Costa shares his thoughts on what the provisions of the bill might ultimately look like.

There’s also a panel discussion from Aubrey Bettencourt of the Almond Alliance of California, Paul Bleiberg with the National Milk Producers Federation, and Ethan Lane with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association focusing on the news of the week and the proposed climate reporting rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

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