Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Agri-Pulse Newsmakers

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: April 5, 2024: Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., Mollie Van Lieu, Roger Szemraj on appropriations, FDA reorganization, and nutrition policy

Duration: 25:56
Connecticut Democrat Rosa DeLauro is the ranking member on the House Appropriations Committee. She recently helped steer conversations to pass the FY2024 appropriations bills which allocated money to USDA and FDA. DeLauro joins the show to discuss how Republicans and Democrats found bipartisan support to pass the funding bills.

Then, Roger Szemraj with OFW Law and Mollie Van Lieu with the International Fresh Produce Association further discuss nutrition policy and FDA’s reorganization strategy.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: March 29, 2024: Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., Kristi Boswell, Michael Marsh on ag labor reform

Duration: 25:56

Arkansas Republican Rick Crawford is one of the co-chairmen of the House Ag Committee’s Agricultural Labor Working group, which released their final report earlier this month with bipartisan and unanimous approval. He joins the show to discuss how the group came to agreement on a politically polarized issue.

Then, ag policy lawyer Kristi Boswell with Alston & Bird and Michael Marsh with the National Council of Agricultural Employers further discuss the impacts of politics on ag labor reform and the potential challenges that need to be overcome.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: March 22, 2024: House Ag Chair Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson, R-Pa., Virginia Houston, Mike Stranz on China hearing, current farm bill status

Duration: 25:56

House Ag Committee Chair and Pennsylvania Republican Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson has long pointed to this spring as his potential window to move a farm bill through the House. Now, he stops by Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to offer an update on that possibility and what will need to happen for it to come to fruition.

Then, Virginia Houston with the American Soybean Association and Mike Stranz with the National Farmers Union examine this week’s committee hearing discussing China’s impact on American agriculture and where things stand on the farm bill.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: March 15, 2024: Rep. Nikki Budzinski, D-Ill., Ferd Hoefner, RJ Karney on budget, farm bill

Duration: 25:56
The White House rolled out its annual budget this week, kicking off the FY 2025 appropriations process. But spending discussions are also top of mind for the upcoming farm bill, and House Ag Committee Democrat Nikki Budzinski stops by Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to offer her thoughts on where things stand.

Then, farm policy consultant Ferd Hoefner and RJ Karney with the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture take a look at the factors facing lawmakers working on moving a new farm bill and whether or not those obstacles can be overcome.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Mar. 8, 2024: Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., Micah Brown and Randy Dickhut on foreign farmland ownership

Duration: 25:55
Lawmakers rolled out a government funding package this week that includes funding for USDA to better track the country’s farm, ranch and forest land owned by foreign buyers. Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to talk about what’s concerning lawmakers right now and what needs to be done in the future to protect America’s national and food security.

Then, Micah Brown with the National Agricultural Law Center and Randy Dickhut with Agricultural Economic Insights talk about how state laws are impacting foreign farmland ownership and factors influencing the market for American farmland.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: March 1, 2024: Commodity Classic leaders discuss priorities

Duration: 25:55
This year's Commodity Classic crowd set a record as members of the National Corn Growers Association, American Soybean Association, National Association of Wheat Growers, National Sorghum Producers and Association of Equipment Manufacturers gathered in Houston. Leaders of all five organizations sat down with Agri-Pulse Newsmakers at the Pivot Bio booth on the trade show floor to discuss the farm bill, government funding, trade, regulatory issues and more.

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