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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: June 2, 2023: USDA’s Jenny Lester Moffitt, NTF’s Joel Brandenberger and NCC’s Ashley Peterson on HPAI and more

Duration: 25:57
One year ago, highly pathogenic avian influenza was a major concern in the poultry industry; now, detections have dropped considerably, but USDA and the nation’s producers are maintaining their vigilance. USDA Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Lester Moffitt joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss the situation as well as how the department hopes its regional food centers will benefit producers.

Then, Joel Brandenberger with the National Turkey Federation and Ashley Peterson with the National Chicken Council discuss the current HPAI outlook across the country, the issues surrounding vaccination conversations, and how the industry hopes to move forward.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: May 26, 2023: Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., Sara Neagu-Reed, Dennis Nuxoll on ag spending bill, Colorado River talks

Duration: 26:01

The House Appropriations Committee delayed the consideration of a bill to fund several government agencies key to food and ag policy this week as debt ceiling talks lingered. Committee member and California Republican David Valadao joins Newsmakers to discuss that delay, his thoughts on some critical parts of the bill and analyze this week’s news on the Colorado River.

Then, Sara Neagu-Reed with AmericanHort and Dennis Nuxoll with Western Growers join a panel discussion on issues critical to western producers and growers of fruits, vegetables and tree nuts throughout the country including water rights, labor, automation research and the upcoming farm bill. 

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: May 19, 2023: Former Ag Secretary Dan Glickman on debt ceiling, work requirements, and the farm bill

Duration: 25:58
The White House and Capitol Hill leaders continued their talks this week to find a deal that will raise the nation’s debt limit, and welfare program work requirements are playing a bigger and bigger role in the conversation. Former Ag Secretary Dan Glickman, who led USDA during the 1996 welfare reform effort, joins Newsmakers to offer his assessment of the ideas on the table as well as some farm bill changes being discussed. 

Then, Christine Cochran with SNAC International and Adam Wartheson with Organic Valley discuss what food companies are monitoring in the upcoming farm bill, the Federal Milk Marketing Order reform process, and throughout their supply chains. 

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: May 12, 2023: Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., on agriculture and the debt ceiling

Duration: 26:00
The White House stepped up its involvement in a pair of issues key to farm policy this week, hosting meetings with congressional leaders to discuss the debt ceiling and the next farm bill. Kansas Republican and Senate Ag Appropriations Subcommittee member Jerry Moran joins Newsmakers to offer his thoughts on how the next few months in farm policy will shake out. 

Then, Chandler Goule with the National Association of Wheat Growers and Chelsea Good with the Livestock Marketing Association discuss how the issues will impact farmers and ranchers throughout the country. 

Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: May 5, 2023: Rep. Sanford Bishop, D-Ga., James Glueck and Jessica Schulken on debt ceiling, farm bill and ag appropriations spending

Duration: 25:57

President Joe Biden is set to welcome congressional leaders to the White House next week for debt ceiling negotiations, and farm policy experts are keeping a close eye on what the talks could mean for ag and food spending. Georgia’s Sanford Bishop, the top Democrat on the House Ag Appropriations Subcommittee, joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to offer his thoughts on the process and what it might mean for the upcoming farm bill and ag appropriations processes.

Then, James Glueck with the Torrey Advisory Group and Jessica Schulken with The Russell Group discuss the lessons learned from previous debt ceiling debates and how the farm bill might be impacted based on how things have unfolded before.

Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: April 28, 2023: Rep. Andy Harris, Jim Richards and Roger Szemraj on debt ceiling, ag appropriations and upcoming farm bill

Duration: 25:57
House Republicans passed a bill to raise the nation’s debt ceiling this week, but the bill also includes several policy provisions certain to be targeted by the Biden administration and Senate Democrats in upcoming negotiations. House Ag Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Andy Harris, R-Md., joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss his thoughts on the bill and his priorities in the upcoming appropriations process.

Then, Jim Richards with Cornerstone Government Affairs and Roger Szemraj with OFW Law take a look at the politics of the debt ceiling debate and offer their thoughts on what is up ahead as lawmakers look to fund the government and advance a farm bill.

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