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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Oct. 20, 2023: Sen. John Hoeven, Katie Naessens, Tyson Redpath on appropriations, farm bill debates

Duration: 25:56
Setting aside the leadership shuffling in the stalled House of Representatives, the Senate is also working through a government funding debate of its own. North Dakota's John Hoeven is the top Republican on the Senate subcommittee with jurisdiction over USDA's budget, giving him a key role in the process. He joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss some of the particulars of the appropriations debate and his vision for the next farm bill.

Then, Katie Naessens with the Torrey Advisory Group and Tyson Redpath with The Russell Group offer their thoughts on what some of the recent developments will mean for lawmakers as they sort through the legislative text that will be so key to rural America.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Oct. 13, 2023: Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small on USDA’s workforce; Invariant’s Danielle Beck and Monument Advocacy’s John Weber on ag policy impact of House GOP upheaval

Duration: 25:56

Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small was promoted to the number two role at USDA earlier this year, offering her a look at more of the department's inner-workings and the needs of its workforce. She joins Agri-Pulse to discuss USDA’s current and future employee needs as well as the relationship the department has with Congress as it works on a new farm bill.

Then, Danielle Beck with Invariant and John Weber with Monument Advocacy join a panel discussion to explore the recent changes in the House Republican conference and what the changing dynamics might mean for the farm bill, the agricultural appropriations bill and more.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Oct. 6, 2023: Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., Sam Kieffer and Bev Paul on the contentious farm bill discussion

Duration: 25:56

This week’s news on Capitol Hill was dominated by the removal of (now-former) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and the farm bill implications of that news are still being understood. Senate Minority Whip John Thune, R-S.D., stops by to discuss what the news means for the rest of the year’s calendar and chat about the farm bill dynamics in the Senate.Then, Sam Kieffer with the American Farm Bureau Federation and Bev Paul with Davenport Policy offer their thoughts on this week’s news and the shift in politics it will produce in Washington.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Sept. 29, 2023: Rep. Eric Sorensen and USDA Trade Undersecretary Alexis Taylor on government shutdown, Chile trade mission

Duration: 29:55

As Congress rushes to fund the government, Rep. Eric Sorensen, D-Ill., discusses the potential impact a government shutdown could have on America’s farmers, ranchers, and consumers. Plus, he dives deeper into climate policy and what the dialog could look like in the upcoming farm bill.

Then, USDA Trade Undersecretary Alexis Taylor joins from Santiago, Chile, to discuss the most recent trade mission and potential new U.S. trading relationships.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Sept. 22, 2023: Sen. John Boozman, Robbie Minnich and Laura Wood Peterson on farm bill, conservation funding

Duration: 25:56
How to best utilize billions in conservation funding from the Inflation Reduction Act is at the heart of the farm bill debate right now on Capitol Hill, and Senate Ag Committee ranking member John Boozman of Arkansas hopes to bring many voices into the conversation. He joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss his thoughts on that funding and other farm bill priorities.

Then, Robbie Minnich with the National Cotton Council and Laura Wood Peterson with LWP Consulting discuss the major issues facing farm bill reauthorization, including the IRA funding and the regional ag policy issues that might emerge in the process.

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Agri-Pulse Newsmakers: Sept. 15, 2023: Rep. David Rouzer, Deb Calhoun and Anne MacMillan on government funding, farm bill process

Duration: 25:56
The House and Senate were both in action this week, but neither recorded concrete progress on government funding with a Sept. 30 shutdown date looming. North Carolina Republican David Rouzer joins Agri-Pulse Newsmakers to discuss the sentiment among his colleagues on government funding legislation and the path toward a new farm bill.

Then, Deb Calhoun with Waterways Council and Anne MacMillan with Invariant join a panel to discuss the appropriations process thus far and what indicators to watch as Capitol Hill goes about its business for the rest of the year.

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