Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024

DriveTime: April 6, 2023

Duration: 5:00

President Joe Biden has followed through on his pledge to veto a disapproval of the administration's Waters of the U.S. rule. Hear more on that and get a trade update for several commodities in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: April 5, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Today's DriveTime features the latest on dairy pricing reform, a look at the status of ocean shipping reform legislation, and the issue of lost farmland acreage in the U.S.

DriveTime: April 4, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Farmers are growing more and more concerned about what interest rates might mean for their operations. Hear that and more in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: April 3, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Storms are hitting farm country hard, and more could be on the way. Hear the parts of the country keeping an eye on the sky as well as the thoughts of a Senate Ag member on the upcoming farm bill in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: March 31, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The International Dairy Foods Association is petitioning USDA to alter the way processors are compensated under federal milk marketing orders and USDA announced new investments through the Rural Energy for America Program. All that and more in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: March 30, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack wrapped up his week on Capitol Hill with a contentious exchange over one of USDA's major initiatives. Hear the discussion and the latest on a key bill reintroduction on today's DriveTime.