Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Agri-Pulse DriveTime

A wrap up of today's top news stories in the world of Ag
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DriveTime: May 23, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Today's DriveTime features the latest on debt ceiling talks and how the negotiations are impacting farm policy. There's also a recap of a hearing with top USDA officials on Capitol Hill.

DriveTime: May 22, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Debt ceiling talks are hitting a critical phase as early June approaches. Hear the latest on that dialogue and get a look at a Capitol Hill departure and USDA investment announcement in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: May 19, 2023

Duration: 5:00

USDA announced how it plans to distribute $3.7 billion in disaster assistance to producers today. A look at the details and the perspective of a former USDA leader in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: May 18, 2023

Duration: 5:00

A bill to fund USDA advanced through a House subcommittee today, and Republicans and Democrats are split on the nature of the cuts included. A look at that and the loss of a key farm policy figure in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: May 17, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Wednesday was a busy day in Washington and around the world. Hear what the developments on the other side of the world and within the DC beltway mean for farm policy in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: May 16, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Talks to address the nation's debt limit made some progress Tuesday, but both sides say an agreement will still require much more work. Hear the latest on that and the legislative outlook for a bill that might follow last week's Proposition 12 decision in today's DriveTime.