Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Agri-Pulse DriveTime

A wrap up of today's top news stories in the world of Ag
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DriveTime: Sept. 13, 2023

Duration: 5:00

A busy day in farm policy included action on government funding, discussion on the next farm bill, and thoughts on carbon markets for all aspects of American agriculture. Hear the latest in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Sept. 12, 2023

Duration: 5:00

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack offered his thoughts on the modeling of a tax credit key to the biofuels industry to a trade association gathering in Washington today. Hear what he had to say in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Sept. 11, 2023

Duration: 5:00

USDA kicked off a busy week with a major staffing announcement. Hear the latest on that and what can be expected from Capitol Hill this week in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Sept. 8, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Price Index was released today and a Minnesota Democrat says through bipartisan efforts a farm bill can be passed this year. All that and more in today’s DriveTime.

DriveTime: Sept. 7, 2023

Duration: 5:00

The Senate confirmed a new FCC leader today, and the farmer of the next generation is coming into focus. Hear more in today's DriveTime.

DriveTime: Sept. 6, 2023

Duration: 5:00

With government funding set to expire in 25 days, congressional leaders are up against the clock to prevent a shutdown. Hear comments on that and some Capitol Hill-USDA correspondence in today's DriveTime.