Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Agri-Pulse DriveTime

A wrap up of today's top news stories in the world of Ag
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DriveTime: March 28, 2024

Duration: 4:59:05

The USDA offered updated information on grain stocks and acreage suggesting increased stocks of both corn and soybeans. Weather will play an integral role for market prices. 

Drive Time: March 27, 2024

Duration: 4:59:05

Regulatory hurdles remain for farmers role in Sustainable Aviation Fuel and to approve feed additives to improve efficiency and to reduce methane emissions from cattle. 

Drive Time: March 26, 2024

Duration: 5:00:00

A bridge collapse snarls transportation in the Baltimore area and halts river traffic to the Port of Baltimore. The impact may be felt for some time by farmers and consumers in the region. 

Drive Time: March 25, 2024

Duration: 5:00

Senate Ag Ranking member John Boozman says agriculture leaders continue to work for a new farm bill this year.  Meanwhile, a former House Ag Chairman isn't sure the election will resolve the roadblock on issues. 

DriveTime: March 22, 2024

Duration: 5:00

Today’s DriveTime dives deeper into the conversations around China’s influence on U.S. agriculture and how Canada and Mexico are navigating USDA’s new Product of U.S. labeling rules.

DriveTime: March, 21, 2024

Duration: 5:00

Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack was back on Capitol Hill today. Hear what was on the agenda and get the latest on a Senate effort to address concerns about beef imports from Paraguay in today's DriveTime.