Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 29, 2024

DriveTime: May 12, 2021

A "Big Four" meeting at the White House yielded a better idea of where things stand on an infrastructure package. More on that and a look at new global grain figures from the Department of Agriculture in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: May 11, 2021


In today’s DriveTime, Republicans and President Joe Biden meet to work out infrastructure differences, U.S. Trade Representative gets ready for hearing, and an aquaculture researcher wins the World Food Prize.  

DriveTime: May 10, 2021


China's corn spree added another million-bushel chapter today. More on that and a look at carbon markets and cellulosic biofuels in today's DriveTme. 

DriveTime: May 7, 2021


The National Institutes of Health leader is keeping an eye on the vaccination rates in rural areas and hopes to avoid a surge in cases later this year. More on that and a look at the views of a House Republican on the Biden administration's conservation efforts in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: May 6, 2021


The Biden administration has rolled out some details on its 30x30 plan, but a few questions remain. More on that and a look at some House Democrats sounding the alarm on some proposed tax changes in today's DriveTime. 

DriveTime: May 5, 2021


Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says recent lawsuits against minority farmer relief payments aren't slowing USDA's implementation of the program. More on that and a look at some producers working through drought in today's DriveTime.