Items Tagged with 'Jesus Seade'


Jesus Seade

Mexico withdraws USMCA objection

Mexico is withdrawing its objection to a labor provision in the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement that threatened to derail the USMCA approval process, which is expected to take a major step forward this week in the U.S. House of Representatives.
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US Mexico Border

Mexico objects to USMCA labor provision

Mexico is now protesting a provision tucked into the recently revised U.S. version of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement that calls for the U.S. to install five new attaches in Mexico to monitor the country’s labor reform efforts.
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USMCA signing

USMCA moves closer to year-end deal

The Trump administration on Monday moved closer to getting a deal for its renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement as pressure increases from lawmakers and farm groups for a year-end ratification vote.
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Robert Lighthizer, USTR

USMCA talks to continue after marathon Friday session

US, Mexico continue ‘difficult’ negotiations
Two of the highest-level trade officials representing the U.S. and Mexico worked through the day Friday and into the night trying to reach an agreement on the replacement to the North American Free Trade Agreement, but fell short of a deal that both countries could accept.
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