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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
It’s a historic day for the country as Joe Biden takes office at noon as the 46th president with a plan to hit the ground running on the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and other issues.
Once again, a budget deadline is approaching with serious implications for EPA's fee-based pesticide registration program, which has been kept alive with stopgap funding bills since the federal fiscal year ended Sept. 30.
Four Democratic senators have proposed what they are calling a “compromise” to reauthorize the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act, but its prospects are uncertain, at best.
Democratic senators led by New Mexico's Tom Udall want answers from EPA on chlorpyrifos and farmworker protections from pesticides before they'll agree to let a bill move forward reauthorizing the fee-based pesticide registration system that provides about a third of the funding for EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15 – In an effort to simplify food purchases and reduce food waste, grocery manufacturers and retailers have launched an industry-wide effort to adopt standard wording on packaging about the quality and safety of products.