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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Monday, March 10, 2025
A European Commission (EC) draft proposal could lead to a loosening of regulations long criticized by plant breeders as inhospitable to new genetic engineering techniques such as gene editing.
In this opinion piece, Roger Plant of the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) discusses the challenges of switching to organic operations and the resources available to producers.
Producers looking to make their way into organic agriculture have until October to seek financial assistance from a pair of Department of Agriculture grant programs.
Interest groups have become so hardened in their views about which types of agriculture benefit the environment that the fact that some COVID vaccines have been developed using genetic engineering is unlikely to change minds about the technology’s benefits, an industry advocate says.
By most measures, 2016 was another banner year for organic production. Sales of organic farm goods increased 23 percent to $7.6 billion, double the 2011 total. But most of the organic feed grains come from abroad.