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Thursday, March 27, 2025
The House voted Wednesday to head off a possible railroad strike that could bring fertilizer shipments to a halt as soon as this weekend and potentially devastate the broader economy.
At the request of President Joe Biden, Congress is set to vote on legislation that would prevent a rail strike, a move that comes after similar pleas from agricultural organizations worried about the effects of a stoppage of the nation’s trains.
House Democrats, struggling to maintain their tenuous control over the House amid soaring food and fuel prices, win passage of a package of bills aimed at promoting competition in the meat sector, reducing fertilizer usage and expanding the use of biofuels.
The House Republican Leader is calling for the resignation of Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., after he was convicted on three counts including lying to the federal investigators.
Democratic leaders are pushing for House passage of President Joe Biden’s package of social and climate spending priorities this week, while the Senate is set to debate an Agriculture Department nominee who will be key to carrying out the administration's climate policy.
The White House released a $1.75 trillion spending agreement with congressional Democrats, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed colleagues to vote Thursday for a separate infrastructure bill.
Democratic leaders are trying to nail down an agreement this week on President Joe Biden’s Build Build Better package of social spending and climate policy ahead of his pivotal trip to Europe for a G20 summit and the international climate conference in Glasgow.
More than $90 billion in agriculture spending, including a 50% increase in conservation program funding, is at stake as congressional Democrats wrangle over how to pare back their $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill to woo critical moderate votes.
Congressional Democrats are staring at a possible government shutdown this week even as they try to bridge warring factions that threaten passage of a bipartisan infrastructure and the bigger Build Back Better spending package.