Items Tagged with 'UC-Davis'



Agriculture labs funded by USAID on chopping block

Recent actions by the Trump administration have put at risk a collection of 19 university-based laboratories that conduct specialized research on agricultural challenges facing underdeveloped countries, including nutrition, food safety, irrigation and livestock management.

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Livestock in Africa

EAT-Lancet authors push back against critics

Authors of the EAT-Lancet report recommending a “radical transformation” of the human diet to solve climate change have been defending their report from criticism that its recommendations may be impossible to implement and potential benefits oversold.
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UAV Technology

Tech startups seek to revolutionize farming, boost bottom lines

Washington, Oct. 25, 2017 - When retired California citrus grower and XTB Laboratories founder and President Ted Batkin explains the inner workings of orange tree RNA, his voice echoes with pride. His burgeoning UC Davis-based agtech company may soon revolutionize the way farmers approach management of the elusive and destructive citrus greening disease, allowing early detection and potentially saving growers millions.

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