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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Large grocery store firms used their size to get a leg up on their smaller competitors as the pandemic disrupted supply chains, the Federal Trade Commission concluded in a report issued today.
The Federal Trade Commission announced a challenge to Kroger’s $24.6 billion proposed acquisition of Albertsons, arguing the move would raise grocery prices for consumers and threaten workers’ livelihoods.
The Senate Finance Committee used a hearing Thursday to highlight the fact that Brazilian packers are producing beef from cattle raised illegally on land once made up of lush Amazon jungle, and some of the beef from those animals may end up in the U.S. market, competing with U.S.-raised product.
The fresh produce sector is joining dairy processors and the supermarket industry in welcoming the Biden administration’s decision to boost SNAP benefits by 27%. The increase comes from revisions to the Thrifty Food Plan, a calculation that USDA uses to determine benefits. The increase is due in part to the fact that the revision is supposed to bring benefit levels in line with federal dietary guidelines.
The Food and Drug Administration has issued a stern warning letter to Amazon-owned Whole Foods Market after a series of recalls involving allergens that weren't disclosed on food labels.
British supermarket giant Tesco has committed the equivalent of about $13 million to help protect the ecologically fragile grasslands of Brazil — known locally as the Cerrado — from destruction.
U.S. farmers have watched for years as Brazil has become an agricultural powerhouse by converting its vast rainforests and savanna into cropland, with plans to expand even more over the coming decade. Now, American producers are hoping the progress they are making on sustainability will pay off in a competitive advantage for U.S. ag exports in the lucrative European and Asian markets.
This is the fifth and final installment of our series,“Agriculture’s sustainable future: Feeding more while using less.” Part Four looked at the potential for technological innovations to make a significant impact on U.S. agriculture's environmental footprint.
Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos announced the first recipients of his personal $10 billion Earth Fund, including 16 environmental, advocacy and research organizations. The Salk Institute, based in La Jolla, will receive $30 million for climate change research.
Online retail giant Amazon is the newest “champion” of a government challenge to reduce operational food loss and waste by more than 50% by 2030, USDA and EPA jointly announced Friday.