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Thursday, March 13, 2025
Lawmakers can now turn their eyes toward next Wednesday when Joe Biden will be inaugurated as president after Donald Trump was impeached by the House for a second time. The Senate won’t take up the impeachment before Trump leaves office.
USDA’s regulatory reform officer told Capitol Hill lawmakers Tuesday that the department has identified about 140 regulations as “possible options” for revision or repeal. Although she did not identify them, she said a “significant number” will be published in the fall Unified Regulatory Agenda that should appear any day now, if history is any guide.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2, 2017 - Don’t substitute guidance for rulemaking, and get federal agencies to work better together, USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue was told at a regulatory reform listening session held in the department’s Whitten building Monday.
WASHINGTON, May 31, 2017 - USDA is moving decisively but cautiously to fulfill President Trump’s challenging directive to eliminate two regulations for every new one it issues.
WASHINGTON, May 24, 2017 - A Senate committee’s approval of a regulatory reform bill has set the stage for a classic Capitol Hill battle between business and consumer interests.