Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Agri-Pulse webinar'


AgriTalks Brazil/USA promo

Agri-Pulse & Apex-Brasil to host AgriTalks, free webinar on green tech in agribusiness for a sustainable future

Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc. and Apex-Brasil are hosting a December 1 webinar titled "AgriTalks Brazil/USA – Green technologies in agribusiness for a sustainable future." This complimentary 90-minute program will enable a closer look at how Brazilian agriculture leaders are trying to position themselves for the future. Agri-Pulse Senior Trade Editor Bill Tomson will serve as moderator for the event.
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Free Agri-Pulse Webinar - Beyond Cover Crops and Tillage: How Can We Really Calculate Farm Carbon Emissions?

During the upcoming Jan 8, 2024  Agri-Pulse webinar "Beyond Cover Crops and Tillage: How Can We Really Calculate Farm Carbon Emissions?" With Scope 3 reporting requirements coming soon, CPG companies need quality data on the carbon emissions produced by the grain they purchased. But what kind of data do they need and how reliable is it? Our three panelists will highlight the opportunities that sustainably grown grain creates up and down the supply chain and discuss the type of data and insights that are needed. Read More


Free Agri-Pulse Webinar - How the EU exports its crop protection policies to the developing world

1/25/24 1:00 pm CST
During the upcoming Jan 25, 2024 Agri-Pulse webinar, “How the EU exports its crop protection policies to the developing world,” Join us in a discussion outlining how the EU’s crop protection policies are impacting growers around the world and the significant impact they are having on the developing world. Read More