Items Tagged with 'Farmworker Justice'


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Regs on the horizon in 2023: PFAS, WOTUS and more

The ag industry will be watching closely as the Biden administration seeks to implement its regulatory agenda in 2023.Issues to keep an eye on include the ever-present “waters of the U.S.” definition, renewable fuels, food safety, and emissions from animal operations.
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Workers with boxes (USDA shot)

OSHA moves toward development of heat standard

The federal government is increasing its oversight of farms and other operations where workers are exposed to extreme heat, launching an enforcement initiative and encouraging employers to provide water, rest, and shade as needed to cope with high temperatures.
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Poultry processing

Meatpacking industry under fire at House hearing

Labor advocates and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., called for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for COVID-19 that likely would require employers to adopt programs to prevent transmission in their workplaces.
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