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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
The Biden administration plans to use the month of April to highlight the investments and initiatives included in the 2021 infrastructure package, including a Monday event in Colorado aimed at forest fire management and a Tuesday visit to an Iowa ethanol plant.
The American Farm Bureau Federation may have to backtrack on its support for a livestock market reform bill after a pair of votes by delegates at its annual meeting Tuesday.
In this opinion piece, Michael Crowder with the National Association of Conservation Districts offers guidance regarding the definition to “conserve” within the Biden administration’s America the Beautiful proposal.
Conservation groups praised the Biden administration’s first step in conserving 30% of the nation’s lands and waters by 2030, but the nation’s largest farm group said the initiative still lacks specifics, and a key farm-state senator said he was worried about removing too much land from production.
Voluntary conservation efforts by farmers and ranchers play a central role in the Biden administration’s strategy for conserving 30% of the nation’s land and marine waters by 2030.