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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Sunday, March 02, 2025
Former President Donald Trump, outlining his economic agenda Thursday, said he would use a second term to ensure Americans have "safe, healthy, high quality foods"' through the use of "new and modern agricultural techniques."
Consumers are significantly less likely to say that the U.S. has an affordable food supply than they were two years ago, according to a new consumer survey.
Food Inc., the movie that riled the agriculture industry back in 2008, is back. This time, as befits a sequel, it’s called “Food Inc., 2” and trains its lens on continued consolidation in the food industry and ultra-processed foods.
In this opinion piece, Stephanie K. Goodwin, Ph. D., with Danone North America and Anne MacMillan with Invariant discuss the importance of strategic dialogue across a diverse set of stakeholders to effectively address systemic problems and inequities in the food system.
Most Americans need to significantly cut back on their consumption of added sugars, the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee said in a scientific report released today, kicking off a public comment period that ends Aug. 13.
In this opinion piece, Hope Michelson discusses the impact COVID-19 has had on our food system and the lessons we need to learn to build back a stronger, safer, and more equitable system.