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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Saturday, March 08, 2025
China is emptying out U.S. corn and soybean supplies, helping make the 2020-21 marketing year a success for American farmers. That’s ramping up the pressure on the Biden administration to work out a sustainable trading connection between the countries even as the political relationship remains fraught.
China made another massive purchase of U.S. corn Friday, pushing the total commitments by Chinese importers this week to about 5.5 million metric tons and sparking new optimism that U.S. exports could break a record for the 2020-21 marketing year.
Supporters and detractors of atrazine are clashing over EPA’s recently proposed interim registration decision, which would impose new label language to reduce spray drift but also would increase the concentration of the herbicide allowed in watersheds before corrective action is required.