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Free Webinar: Creating the path to more sustainable pork
2/17/22 11:00 am to 12:00 pm CST
Event Description

Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc., is pleased to announce a free webinar Feb. 17 focused on “Creating the path to more sustainable pork.” This complimentary one-hour program will share how pork producers are demonstrating their commitment to sustainability.

“Many people are far removed from modern-day pork production and don’t understand the advancements that have already been made and the technology and practices that will enable even more progress in addressing climate change,” says Agri-Pulse editor Sara Wyant. “This is an opportunity to have a science-based discussion about the path forward for pork production.”

The webinar will take place at 11 a.m. CT and is sponsored by the National Pork Board (NPB). Speakers will discuss how U.S. agriculture is key in solving the global climate challenge. They will also share the industry’s forward-looking goals and metrics connected to economic, social and environmental sustainability and how producers will achieve these goals. You can sign up for this free webinar by clicking on this link.

Through a process led by producers and facilitated by NPB, the U.S. pork industry will also announce action-based commitments and goals that align with the industry’s We Care® Ethical Principles and will shape the future of sustainable pig farming.

Speakers include:

Frank Mitloehner, Ph.D., is a professor and air quality extension specialist at University of California, Davis. Mitloehner is also director of the CLEAR Center, which brings clarity to the intersection of animal agriculture and the environment, helping our global community understand the environmental and human health impacts of livestock to make informed decisions about the foods we eat and reduce environmental impacts. Mitloehner received a Master of Science degree in animal science and agricultural engineering from the University of Leipzig, Germany, and a doctoral degree in animal science from Texas Tech University.

Sara Crawford, Ph.D., vice president of sustainability at the National Pork Board (NPB). She has been on staff since 2015, previously leading the retail outreach team and animal welfare programming. Crawford has extensive experience in animal and meat sciences, ranging from farm management to quality assurance programs to academia. She received her doctorate in animal welfare science, master’s in genetics and meat science and an undergraduate degree in animal science from the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

Dale Stevermer is the owner of Trails End Farm, a wean-to-finish and diversified crop farm near Easton, Minnesota. Each year, they market 5,000 pigs for Compart Family Farms in addition to harvesting 450 acres of corn and soybeans. He is currently serving as a National Pork Board member. In 2021, he served on the We Care Goals, Metrics and Messaging and the Human Nutrition task forces. Stevermer is an active participant with the On-Farm Sustainability Reports.

Agri-Pulse Editor Sara Wyant will serve as moderator for the event on Feb. 17 at 11 a.m. CT. Registration for the webinar is free. You can sign up by clicking on this link.