Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, January 25, 2025
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Productive & efficient in producing wholesome products (Online)
3/9/21 9:00 am to 10:30 am EST
Event Description

Join this side event for a more in-depth discussion about how farms of the future will be productive and efficient in producing wholesome products. Speakers will be announced soon! Farms of the future will be highly productive, will use inputs efficiently and will produce products, such as food, feed, fiber, fuel and medicinals, that are safe and wholesome for consumers. Productivity includes aspects of genetics and optimizing genotype x environment x management (G x E x M) interactions. Input use efficiency incorporates efficiency in terms of water, plant and animal nutrition, labor, pest and disease management, energy, capital, and technology. Wholesome products result from production and post-harvest management practices that result in foods that promote human health and that are unadulterated. Such practices increase food safety and reduce food waste.