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USB/ASA 2020 Infrastructure: Connecting Farmers with the World
USB/ASA 2020 Infrastructure: Connecting Farmers with the World

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9/24/20 1:00 pm to 2:00 am CDT
Event Description

Topic: Infrastructure: Connecting Farmers with the World


Mike Steenhoek, Executive Director
Soy Transportation Coalition

Mike SteenhoekMike Steenhoek is executive director of the Soy Transportation Coalition (STC), an initiative established in 2007 and comprised of the United Soybean Board, the American Soybean Association, and twelve state soybean boards. The Soy Transportation Coalition, or STC, exists to promote a cost effective, reliable, and competitive transportation system that serves the agriculture industry.

Mike is a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Advisory Committee on Supply Chain Competitiveness, the Transportation Research Board’s Committee on Inland Water Transportation, and the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Freight Advisory Council. Prior to his work for STC, Mike worked for U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (Iowa) for eight years – both in Washington, DC, and most recently in Des Moines, Iowa. 


Alexa Combelic, Director of Government Affairs
American Soybean Association

Alexa CombelicAlexa Combelic joined the American Soybean Association (ASA) as Director of Government Affairs in May, where she manages a portfolio which includes biofuels, infrastructure, and sustainability policy.

Prior to this role, Combelic spent 10 years on Capitol Hill, working for Senator Christopher Murphy and most recently as legislative director for Congressman Joe Courtney. In those roles, Combelic oversaw a variety of infrastructure policy projects and led regional efforts in support of Long Island Sound dredged material management plans.




Sara Wyant


Agri-Pulse Communications, Inc.


Questions, please contact:

Michelle Hummel, ASA, 

Jason Lutz, Agri-Pulse,