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Ag & Food Policy Summit (Draft Agenda)
The Ag and Food Policy Summit is an educational event organized by Agri-Pulse, the nation’s leading media company for farm and food policy information. The event will be held at the National Press Club on March 18, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a reception to follow at the same location.
Our 2019 theme: Shaping Farm and Food Policy Strategies for 2040. Investors are pouring billions of dollars into new agricultural and food startups at the same time as some of the more traditional players are going through consolidations and retirements. Who will survive and thrive? What will the food production and consumption landscape look like over 20 years from now as we work to feed over 9 billion people in a sustainable fashion? How should farm, food and rural policies be modified to facilitate these changes?
Ag & Food Policy Summit (Draft Agenda)
The Ag and Food Policy Summit is an educational event organized by Agri-Pulse, the nation’s leading media company for farm and food policy information. The event will be held at the National Press Club on March 18, 2019, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a reception to follow at the same location.
Our 2019 theme: Shaping Farm and Food Policy Strategies for 2040. Investors are pouring billions of dollars into new agricultural and food startups at the same time as some of the more traditional players are going through consolidations and retirements. Who will survive and thrive? What will the food production and consumption landscape look like over 20 years from now as we work to feed over 9 billion people in a sustainable fashion? How should farm, food and rural policies be modified to facilitate these changes?
7:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM Opening remarks – Sara Wyant
8:05 AM USDA Chief Economist Rob Johansson
8:20 AM Speaker Introduction – Mitch Van Kampen, FLM Harvest
8:25 AM Who will farm in 2040? Brett Sciotto, CEO, Aimpoint Research
9:10 AM What changes can we expect in land ownership, management, crop production?
Moderator, Jeff Nalley
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM Gold Sponsor Remarks
10:33 AM What new plant and cell-based foods will we see by 2040?
Moderator, Spencer Chase
11:15 AM What’s the future for sustainable food production?
Moderator, Sara Wyant
12:00 PM Break for lunch (Sara announces)
12:40 PM Gold Sponsor Remarks
12:45 PM Introduction: Philip Brasher
Insights from USDA Under Secretary Greg Ibach
1:15 PM What’s the future for conventional proteins?
Moderator, Jeff Nalley
2:15 PM Gold Sponsor Remarks
2:20 PM Senator Roberts (video)
2:25 PM Senator Stabenow (video)
2:30 PM Break
3:00 PM Gold Sponsor Remarks
3:05 PM How can beginning farmers survive and thrive in 2040? What types of farm bill programs will be helpful?
Moderator, Spencer Chase
4:10 PM Gold Sponsor Remarks
4:15 PM Why do farm and food policies take so long to change?
Moderator, Sara Wyant
Jonathan Coppess, Director, Gardner Agriculture Policy Program, Univ. of Ill. and author of a new book: The Fault Lines of Farm Policy: A Legislative and Political History of the Farm Bill
4:40 White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway (invited)
5:00 Break for reception
5-7:00 Agri-Pulse Customer Appreciation Reception