Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, September 03, 2024


Washington GM labeling initiative could be headed for defeat

Although the final tally will not be known until all absentee ballots are counted, Washington voters were largely rejecting Initiative 522 on Tuesday night – a measure that would have mandated labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods on the front of packages containing GM ingredients.
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NFU to Canada: We're not taking direction from you

North Dakotans and Canadians share a border and lots of common interests, but when it comes to Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL), at least one former North Dakotan – who now serves as President of the National Farmers Union – has had enough of hearing about how Canadians think Americans should gove
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RMA releases harvest crop insurance prices

USDA?s Risk Management Agency (RMA) released their harvest price levels today, allowing growers who purchased revenue assurance with the harvest price option to compare with spring-projected prices and estimate whether or not they may be eligible for insurance claims.
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