Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 28, 2024


Crop insurance industry faces continuing challenges

If one headline could summarize the challenges confronting the crop insurance industry in 2016, it might be PNo Shortage of Critics,P lamented Mary Kay Thatcher, senior director for congressional relations with the American Farm Bureau Federation, in a speech to industry le
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Is TPP in trouble in farm country?

Many U.S. farm organizations are gearing up for an effort to convince members of Congress that they should approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) this year  preferably sooner (before the November elections) than later.
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USDA draws fire for final rule on payment limitations

The USDA issued its long-anticipated final rule guiding eligibility for farm program payments, which the agency said is Àconsistent with the direction and authority provided by Congress in the 2014 farm bill.À But in the process, the final rule generated a backlash from t
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