Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 02, 2024



Peterson preps new farm bill ideas and reminds others of pitfalls

When Rep. Collin Peterson recently traveled home to his rural western Minnesota district, he opened his briefing by telling farmers that the number one thing to get done in a new farm bill is to help cotton producers. The livestock, corn, soy, wheat and sugar beet producers – who are thousands of miles from a cotton field - seemed a bit perplexed.
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What’s hot from the nation’s chefs

The National Restaurant Association released its annual survey of 700 professional chefs – members of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) on Tuesday, designed to predict food and beverage trends at restaurants in the coming year.
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Deere continues rebound

With farm and construction equipment markets finally improving, Deere & Co. posted stronger than expected fourth quarter and fiscal year earnings.
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RFS announcement expected soon

Biofuel advocates are carefully watching for 2018 Renewable Volume Obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard, due to be released by the EPA by the end of the day tomorrow.
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