Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, October 07, 2024

Articles by Sara Wyant

What is the impact of new payment-limit proposals at the farm level?

WASHINGTON, May 9, 2012 -An attorney who specializes in farm payment limit/eligibility law calls the changes included in the Senate Agriculture Committee’s version of a new farm bill “absurd” and “ridiculous,” but he’s certain that most of his clients would not lose their eligibility if the changes
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Beef trade partner response to BSE tempered…so far

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2012 -Major U.S. beef trading partners refrained from slapping restrictions on American shipments in the week since the discovery of BSE in an 11-year-old dairy cow in central California, but a leading industry official cautions that maintaining market access is only part of the
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Dairy reform measure passes first hurdle in US Senate

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2012 -The most ambitious effort to restructure dairy programs in a generation overcame its first hurdle last week when the Senate Agriculture Committee approved a farm bill that incorporates the key features of a National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) proposal.
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Organic group hears USTR ag official tout EU agreement

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2012 -The partnership between the two largest organic producers in the world demonstrates “a truly historic agreement” and a “significant improvement to our trade relations” with the EU, Isi Siddiqui, the chief agricultural negotiator with the U.S. Trade Representative’s Office,
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Opposition to one-year farm bill extension continues to mount

Eager to demonstrate that they can address mounting crop and livestock disaster concerns before the August recess, GOP leaders are now learning that a one-year extension of the current farm bill may be creating more problems than opportunities. They don’t have enough GOP votes to support passage an
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White House blueprint, EO embraces biotechnology

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2012 -Over the last three years, Republicans have pointed to what some view as the Obama Administration’s attack on conventional agriculture and what they describe as an onslaught of new regulations that stifle ingenuity and the American entrepreneurial spirit.
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