Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 02, 2024

Articles by Sara Wyant

With new farm bill, patience will be a virtue

Farmers and ranchers will have a multitude of decisions facing them this year - if they want to participate in programs offered in the new farm bill. However, experts involved in writing and implementing the “Agricultural Act of 2014” advised producers to take their time and learn as much as possib
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Can we have TPP without TPA?

U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman seems convinced that Congress will eventually approve Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), commonly known as “fast track,” later this year - paving the way for lawmakers to provide an up or down vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other trade agreeme
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Last day to comment on USDA’s options for coexistence

How can USDA better foster communication and collaboration among those involved in diverse agricultural systems? That’s the key question USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) posed for public comment last year with an extended deadline that expires today.
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Vilsack outlines farm bill timetable, biofuel trade promotion

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today said he has started to “set the table” for growers to make informed decisions about farm bill options for the 2015 crop year, and pledged to create additional opportunities for biofuel exports, in the keynote speech at the Commodity Classic in San Antonio.
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