Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 28, 2024

Articles by Sara Wyant

wood pellets

To Russia with renewables? Not so fast…..

WASHINGTON, June 21, 2017 - With Russia serving as one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of oil and gas and a renewed focused on improving domestic food supplies, it shouldn’t exactly be a surprise that biofuels have an insignificant share in the overall energy production matrix of that country.
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Donald Trump

Trump expected to decide on Paris climate accord this week

President Donald Trump met with foreign leaders at the G-7 last week to discuss a wide range of topics but there was one issue where he left them guessing: the Paris Accord. He offered to consider their advice, but left the meeting without signing a joint statement that expressed support for the Paris agreement on climate change.
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