Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Articles by Sara Wyant

Spkie 836

The promise and potential for new plant varieties

Most Americans have never experienced a famine or even chronic food shortages. We've grown accustomed to finding at least some types of food almost everywhere we look – the grocery store, the gas station, the food truck, the corner stores and of course, online.
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capitol building

Biodiesel backers urge Congress to extend tax credit

Representatives all segments of the biomass-based diesel value chain sent a letter to congressional leaders today, urging them to include a retroactive, multi-year extension of the biodiesel tax incentive as part of a comprehensive budget negotiation or continuing resolution.
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High oleic soybeans cross final hurdle

After years of waiting, the European Union recently approved DuPont Pioneer’s Plenish high oleic stacked-trait soybean for import, marking the final regulatory approval for all major soybean importing countries.
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