Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, September 02, 2024

Articles by Sara Wyant

Big changes in 2012 crop insurance options

WASHINGTON, February 1, 2012 -This year is expected to be one full of changes for agriculture with the deadline for rewriting or reauthorizing the Farm Bill arriving this fall, while factors including weather, price volatility, biofuels and population growth impact the industry
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EPA scientists say ‘gaps' exist in biofuels research

WASHINGTON, February 1, 2012 -A team of EPA scientists who reviewed 10 years of biofuels research say significant “gaps” exist in policy makers’ understanding of impacts the alternative fuels could have on the environment and public health, potentially widening ethanol’s exposure to criticism from
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Sommers: ‘Significant' progress being made in MF Global case

WASHINGTON, February 1, 2012 -Although the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has made “significant” progress in its enforcement investigation of bankrupt MF Global, a number of unanswered questions still remain, Commissioner Jill Sommers told attendees at the Wheat Industry Winter Confere
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USDA's new school milk rules meet with mixed reactions

WASHINGTON, February 1, 2012 -USDA’s long-awaited new school lunch standards, unveiled last week, were met with almost universal praise from schools groups, the food industry, academics and nutrition activists for their potential for more healthful meals for 32 million students in school meal progr
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