Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, August 31, 2024



Will oats make a comeback?

As an aging American population struggles to maintain and lower cholesterol levels and U.S. farmers work to maintain or improve soil health, oats have the attention of scientists, farmers, and consumers.
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US dairies turning manure into 'brown gold'

A growing number of U.S. dairy producers are realizing innovative income streams from what they are calling “brown gold.” They are using digesters to turn manure into biogas, which is later converted into compressed or liquefied natural gas, electricity or other fuels.
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Cover crop momentum increases

Snow and ice in late April prevented Iowa farmer Wayne Fredericks from planting as early as he normally would, but he knew that his soils and nearby streams were protected from erosion and runoff with a cover crop of cereal rye that he planted the previous fall, following corn and soybean harvest.
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