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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Friday, March 28, 2025
The more efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture has yielded positive results not just for water quality in the Mississippi River Basin, but for corn yields too, according to research out of the University of Illinois.
Michelle Obama formally unveiled the governmentPs updated Nutrition Facts Label for packaged foods today while at the same time touting the strides the Obama administration has made toward a healthier America.
Organic Trade Association members headed to Washington for the groups annual policy meeting next week are in for some good news. Sales of organic products in the U.S. reached $43.3 billion last year, the highest ever, an OTA survey shows.
President Barack Obama issued an executive order to federal agencies today directing them to take actions to protect government buildings in sensitive areas from wildfires.
The public comment period on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service�s proposal to remove the Yellowstone population of grizzly bear from the endangered species list closed last week after more than 5,700 comments were submitted.
USDA`s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced Monday $130 million in funding will be made available for education, research and Cooperative Extension projects that seek to improve plant and animal production systems.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says the Forest Service and the Interior Department have done just about everything we can do to properly fund the forest management that prevents catastrophic fires now it's Congress turn to step up to the plate.
USDA is on its way to accomplishing the climate change mitigation goals it set for itself last year, according to a one-year progress report the department released Thursday.
àSell byà and àbest byà date labels found on food packaging are confusing to consumers, and may be contributing to food waste in the United States, says a survey released by the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic (FLPC) and the National Consumers League (NCL
Are farmers and ranchers doing enough to curb unnecessary antibiotic use in their operations? Two expert panelists who spoke at last Thursdayàs Animal Agriculture Alliance meeting said yes à and encouraged attendees to get the word out.