Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 20, 2024
Jim Webster

Jim Webster

Jim Webster Contributing Editor


Farm Credit System faults Farmer Mac over director power

Farmer Mac, the $14 billion Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation created by the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 to provide a secondary market for farm real estate loans, is in the midst of a family feud with one of its major stockholder groups – the Farm Credit System (FCS).
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FCA Board backs down over borrower vote on executive pay

For nearly four years, the Farm Credit Administration (FCA) board has faced a gauntlet of opposition from Farm Credit System (FCS) cooperative lenders over its demand that directors of the four banks and 78 local and regional lending associations hold advisory votes of their member-borrowers on sig
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Preliminary census data renews attention on mid-size farms

The first installment of the 2012 Census of Agriculture shows 6.2 more women principal farm and ranch operators than five years earlier and a 2 percent gain in farmers under 35. It also adds to the arsenal of those, like Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, who are pushing programs to boost younge
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